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We Stand In Solidarity To Fight Racism, Inequality And Oppression. 

We Stand In Solidarity To Fight Racism, Inequality And Oppression. 

 Give Back Goods mission

is to create positive change in the world

We support social-good and fair trade businesses that support the principles of equal rights, and freedom from slavery and oppression. These small businesses help create change by creating jobs and opportunities for marginalized women & minorities in the USA & across the world, reversing their cycle of poverty. 

We believe that humans all over the world are connected. We believe that every human being deserves to be treated equally and justly, and be given the same opportunity regardless of their race, gender, age, or their religion. 

Tracey Prever
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Giving Back & Hope

Giving Back in Tough Times - Supporting Small Businesses

We’ve all experienced tough times in our lives, but most of us have never witnessed anything as impactful and all-encompassing as this pandemic and the state of the world right now. The worldwide impact of COVID-19 that we are experiencing is unprecedented in its scope. Everyone has been impacted somehow. Whether it be contracting the virus yourself or by loved ones. Having your business shuttered or impacted, losing your job, being “furloughed", or losing some or all of your hard-earned savings, it has affected us all.

In the midst of this horrific time, it amazes me to see how people rise up and want to help.

Tracey Prever
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Conscious Consumerism- How your purchases can create a positive impact on our world!

Conscious Consumerism- How your purchases can create a positive impact on our world!

The holidays are upon us and the December calendar is filled with family gatherings, holiday parties and shopping for holiday gifts.

According to the National Retail Federation, the average person will spend around $700 on gift-giving this holiday season and in the US that will equal to more than $465 billion dollars that will be spent on gifts.

Just think about what we can do if that money was used to purchase gifts that actually help our world in some way! 


Tracey Prever
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The Starkey Foundation – Changing Lives Through The Gift Of Hearing!

The Starkey Foundation – Changing Lives Through The Gift Of Hearing!

Can you imagine not being able to hear the sound of a bird, waves crashing on the sand, your favorite song or the voice of your loved ones? 

The World Health Organization estimates that approximately 466 million people across the globe are living with disabling hearing loss. 

This is most prevalent in developing countries where less than three percent of these individuals can afford hearing aids.

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Saving Our Landfills Through Recycling and Repurposing.

Saving Our Landfills Through Recycling and Repurposing.

With over 7.7 billion people in the world and over 319 million people living in the United States alone, it is no surprise that we overuse our natural resources and create an incredible amount of waste. The US has become known as a “disposable society”. Our mantra has been “out with the old and in with the new”. We throw away packaging, tires, appliances, food, clothes, plastic bottles, bags and so much more.

We tend to not consider the impact that our waste has on the world. 

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Look at What You Helped Us Accomplish in our First Year!

Look at What You Helped Us Accomplish in our First Year!

This Labor Day marks the one-year anniversary for us at Give Back Goods! Our mission is to create a positive impact on the world through your purchases. Your purchases support fair trade artisans from around the world. They also support sustainable products that help save our landfills, oceans, and forests.  Our cause-based products support clean water and solar energy to Africa, animal conservation, human trafficking survivors, feed shelter pets and more! As consumers, we have a great opportunity to make a positive impact on our world through our purchases. At Give Back Goods, we make it easy to do that!

Buddha Apps Collaborator
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Wildlife Conservation

Wildlife Conservation

Why Wildlife Conservation Is So Important

Habitat loss and destruction poses the greatest threat to animals and our natural world. This

This loss happens through deforestation and destructive fishing, the burning of fossil fuels, industrial-scale mining activities and land-use changes for agricultural expansion. The leading causes of animal extinction are now thought to stem from human activity, with nearly all threatened species at risk. We urgently need to find ways to slow down and reverse this process before more species are lost forever. Historically, the designation of protected areas has proved effective in safeguarding pockets of threatened habitat. 

Tracey Prever
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How Sustainable Companies Are Helping To Save Our Rain Forests -  By Tara Dodson

How Sustainable Companies Are Helping To Save Our Rain Forests - By Tara Dodson

Trees give us life in the form of oxygen, food, and shelter. Without trees, we would not exist. Yet, across the globe our forests are being cut down and replaced by developments, transforming the land from an important resource to a source of negative discharges.
Tracey Prever
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Human Trafficking - How your choices can make a difference - By Tara Dodson

Human Trafficking - How your choices can make a difference - By Tara Dodson

Human Trafficking-

Just the thought of these two words can send chills down one's spine. Horrifying stories of survival are on the news and the internet. Yet, every year millions of women, men, and children continue to be trafficked in the United States and around the world. The profits that are made from human trafficking are in the multi-billion-dollar range. Though, human trafficking goes virtually undetected because the victims fear for their lives or the lives of loved ones...

Tracey Prever
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What Is Eco-Sustainability & How You Can Help!

What Is Eco-Sustainability & How You Can Help!

 Eco-sustainability focuses on our natural resources and how we properly manage ourselves in a manner that we don’t overextend the capacity of our eco-systems. When resources are consumed faster than they are produced or renewed, the resource is depleted and eventually used up. In a sustainable world, society's demand on nature is in balance with nature's capacity to meet that demand.  
Tracey Prever
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The Power Of Solar Energy Can Transform The World!

The Power Of Solar Energy Can Transform The World!

Electricity plays a key role in our daily lives, in our homes, workplace and schools. Yet, over 1 billion people in the world don’t have the luxury of electricity and still use candle’s or dangerous kerosene lamps to light their homes. They also still heat their homes with wood which is known to create respiratory illnesses. In Africa the use of kerosene is the most accessible form of fuel for lighting. It can release approximately 190 million tons of Co2 into our atmosphere.
Tracey Prever
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How Fair Trade Sustains Communities

How Fair Trade Sustains Communities

Shopping Fair Trade gives you the opportunity to be a life changer in the lives of workers. Fair Trade is a social enterprise that helps producers in developing countries reach better trade agreements with businesses in developed countries. Fair Trade creates jobs, better working conditions, and life changing opportunities for people and their communities.
Tracey Prever
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